Potato – often is compared by people with the second bread, as it is one of the most beloved and widely used vegetable crops in many countries of the world. Depending on the ripening season of potatoes, there are 2 main groups – early and late varieties. Potatoes grow in a wide temperature range, but young plants are quite sensitive to prolonged frosts, tubers are damaged even at temperatures of 1-2 ° C. Therefore, the ideal transportation temperature for potatoes is considered to be 6-10 ° C. In the period end of February – beginning of March (week 7 – week 10) AGRO RETEMS offers its Customers late varieties of white and red potatoes, with caliber 50 mm +, the volume of the offer is 80 000 kg.
Starting from mid-March, offers for young potatoes are updated, the season of which lasts until mid-July (week 11 – week 28). The minimum caliber of young potatoes is 35 mm, variety – Telman. The shipment of potatoes is carried out in five-layer cardboard bags, stacked on pallets. The net weight of the one car is 18 500 – 19 000 kg.
The volume of AGRO RETEMS’ offer for young potatoes is – 400-500 tons per season.